events meetings

Coczwartek: PBX / Asterisk

(for English scroll down)

W czwartek, 19.12 o godzinie 19:00 gościmy Deana Coopera. Będzie on opowiadał o architekturze i konstrukcji własnego oldschoolowego PBX-a i o Asterisku. Mamy w planach połączenie jednego z drugim i – jeśli czas pozwoli – trochę zabawy „hands on”. Będzie po angielsku i będzie super ciekawie!


At 7 PM, on Thursday, December the 19th The Warsaw Hackerspace will be
hosting a talk about old-school PBX-es and Asterisk. Prof. Dean Cooper
of the University of the Southern Hemisphere will show off and talk
about the construction/architecture of his very own PBX, about
Asterisk and host a hands-on workshop on connecting all those (and
possibly more) parts together if things work out. They should.

The talk will be held in English.

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